Ayder Referral Hospital - Student Service


Student Service Center Coordinater
Ato Tekie Asgedom



The purpose of this guideline document is to enable employees of the Student Service Center to have a common framework for operations related to student (community) services.



2.0    This guideline sets out the procedures, standards, and performers of the tasks accomplished in the Student Service Center. 

2.1    The scope is for all categories of services that the University community (especially students) might need.

2.2    This document shall be revised every year.


3.0Definitions and Acronyms

3.1    The Student Service Center, hereafter referred to as SSC for short is Mekelle University’s central academic and support services provider.

3.2    The SSC shall have the following objectives among others

(a)    Recruiting competitive, informed and ready learner into the teaching-learning.

(b)   Providing secure and ease access to student records.

(c)    Produce informed, (self) employable and motivated graduate for the job market.

(d)   Establish and sustain Alumni-University partnerships.

(e)    Provide state-of-the-art Community welfare services.

3.3    MU is an acronym that stands for Mekelle University.

3.4    The Director is responsible for all outcomes that the SSC is expected to provide to customers.

3.5    Program Leader is the team leader of a degree offering academic program.

3.6    University community is collection of students, instructors, researchers, consultants and support staff working at MU.

3.7    Community welfare services include cafeteria, housing, health, financial assistance, recreation, and culture.


4.0Employee’s directives

An employee in the SSC shall:

4.1    Work 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM hours during weekdays except public holidays. But helpdesk services shall be provided 24/7 in three shifts.

4.2    Develop and post clear, easy to understand and visible daily and weekly service schedules and service standards on an easily accessible place (like on an announcement board, office doors, helpdesk and or website).

4.3    Develop daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual action plans inline with the centre’s vision/mission and strategic plan. Send a copy to all concerned and flow the plan of action.

4.4    Keep daily logbook of activities, results, and problems encountered and solutions thought.

4.5    Write monthly, quarterly and annual performance report and communicates all concerned accordingly.

4.6    Wear a t-shirt that identifies him/her as employee of the SSC and a badge carrying full name and look smiling.

4.7    Receive comments and suggestions forwarded by its customers. Provide a suggestion form when requested by customer and indicate where the suggestion box is located.

4.8    Develop multiple skills to handle different tasks of the SSC, understand and keep the logical flow of the work and accomplish end-to-end.

4.9    Fully attend the service window (officer’s desk) s/he is assigned for as per the schedule.

4.10 Know the work of the back office and the frontline operations Those who work at upstream on the process must know the work of those who work downstream.

4.11 Assist students during online registration.

4.12 Own the following shared values and believes in providing services to customers.

(a)    Customers/students pay all our salaries - I must do what it takes to please them.

(b)   Every job at the SSC is essential and important - I do make a difference.

(c)    Showing up is not accomplishment - I get paid for the value I create.

(d)   The buck stops here - I must accept ownership of problems and get them solved.

(e)    I belong to a team - we succeed or fail together.

(f)     No body knows what tomorrow holds - constant learning is part of my job.

4.13 Entertain any information and service request by customer with honesty, discipline, fairness, impartiality, diligence, flexibility, responsiveness, transparency and courtesy.

4.14 The SSC Director or Planning Team is responsible for planning, budgeting, evaluation and reporting of all activities of the centre.


5.0Student Recruitment

5.1    The student recruitment sub-process is a frontline operation that must be accomplished according to the University’s Admission Policy. The activities include:

(a)    Promoting academic programs;

(b)   Receiving and processing applications for admission;

(c)    Writing letter of provisional admission;

(d)   Managing student fund;

(e)    Credit card (identification card) issuance;

(f)     Signing service agreement;

(g)    Finance settlement and

(h)    Information provision.

5.2     Student Service Team (Promotion and Admission Team) is responsible to recruit, support and deliver informed and ready learner into the teaching-learning. S/he is also responsible for the clearance processing during withdrawal or graduation and academic credentials issuance.

5.3    All academic programs must be sufficiently promoted by collecting program information including intake capacity, organizing contents, updating application formats, sending to media, and publishing. It shall be accomplished based on the academic calendar, year round on website, July to August, and January to February by other media.

5.4    All application forms shall be accessible on www.mu.edu.et.

5.5    More than ¾ of service enquiries shall be addressed at first contact, and receipt of applications should be promptly conformed.

5.6    Received applications shall be kept all secure and safe storage, and timely transferred for processing. Application results of all applicants shall be communicated using appropriate medium.

5.7    The selection process of all applications must be completed and responded before the deadline and according to the schedule. All applicants which require remedial programs shall be identified and forwarded for remedial support.

5.8    All remedial programs shall be conducted as per the schedule.

5.9    All students shall be satisfied with the student recruitment service.

5.10A candidate can be recruited to a program only if s/he has sufficient financial source according to Article 12.0 at least for one semester.


6.0Guidance and counseling

6.1    The Guidance and counselling Team, hereafter referred to as GCT for short, is responsible for the provision of guidance, counselling, orientation and general consultation services.

6.2    All students shall obtain continued counseling and guidance services that address their social and psychological needs. 

6.3    All incoming students must receive relevant orientation about the academic programs, student services, rules and regulations, location maps, information sources, etc.

6.4    The GCT shall consult all concerned bodies like the Course Instructor, Program Leader, Academic Advisor, Registry System Managers, Legal service Team, and other student service providers and resolve different cases.

6.5    The Academic Advisor is responsible for guiding the student in relation to the specific academic program and course details s/he is entitled to take.



7.1    The scheduling shall be a back-office job of the SSC accomplished by a Scheduling Team. The scheduling team must produce:

(a)    University calendar;

(b)   Class schedule;

(c)    Examination schedule and

(d)   Event schedule.

7.2    All scheduling products shall be generated, published, and communicated to all community members and stakeholders annually in July for the subsequent academic year. The procedure for the production of schedules must be:

(a)    Information gathering: conduct inventory of resources (classrooms, laboratories, halls, invigilators, etc) and occasions (classes, examinations, and other events)

(b)   Draft schedule preparation;

(c)    Incorporating feedback;

(d)   Producing the final version and

(e)    Publicizing

7.3    The scheduling job shall be made centrally at the main campus while information sources and sinks are academic programs, the university community and stakeholders.

7.4    Class and examination schedule must be fixed and stable unless otherwise there exists

(a)    A change in academic programs like launching new programs (revising existing ones);

(b)   A change in of resources like instructor/invigilators, classrooms, halls, and laboratories and

(c)    Serious inconvenience with the existing schedule.

7.5    The academic calendar (all events) must be detailed and take into account the specific nature of different academic programs and community members at MU.



8.1    The Publication job is accomplished by a Publication Team which is responsible for the preparation and editing of up-to-date

(a)    Student handbook;

(b)   Program brochures and leaflets;

(c)    Academic record formats;

(d)   Service (charge) agreement formats;

(e)    Announcements, etc.

8.2    The Publication Team shall also print, duplicate, distribute and/or post on www.mu.edu.et all kinds of publications that are required for all operations in the SSC.

8.3    The publication job shall be made centrally at the main campus while information sources and beneficiaries are campus SSCs, programs, the university community and stakeholders.

8.4    All publications must be

(a)    Colourful, attractive and content-rich;

(b)   Prepared annually in July for the subsequent academic year;

(c)    Sufficiently duplicated and distributed to each student and at least to ¾ of the preparatory schools in Ethiopia in July for the subsequent academic year.


9.0Student record management

9.1    Record Management Team, hereafter referred to as RMT, is responsible for the following activities.

(a)    Collecting all grades from instructors;

(b)   Generating (processing) different types of reports;

(c)    Making the reports accessible to all in different formats;

(d)   Assisting course registration;

(e)    Making data backups;

(f)     Upgrading of the student database system.

(g)    Keeping confidentiality of student records; and

(h)    Providing online support

9.2    The premises for this job are

(a)    Credit transfer Policy;

(b)   University Study Award Policy;

(c)    Admission Policy;

(d)   Student Administration Policy;

(e)    Curricula;

(f)     Student Assessment Policy;

(g)    etc

9.3    The RMT must make sure that an employee is properly authenticated by username and password (or physically identified by budges) before accessing student records. Employees having student related duties and responsibilities may be granted access (authorized) to student records.

9.4    A student shall be granted full read access and limited write access (subject to verification) to his/her own records. However, no student is allowed to access other student’s record.

9.5    Student records shall be in the appropriate format, with the right access privilege to the right user, and with robust security.

9.6    Records of all students shall be placed centrally at the main Datacenter with regular backup copies placed at other campuses’ Datacenters.

9.7    For more about access rights, security and storage of data please refer to the ICT Use Policy.


10.0           Graduation, withdrawal and clearance


(a)     Student writes letter of application for withdrawal stating that s/he wants to terminate the program.

(b)    The Student Service Team (Promotion and Admission Team) together with academic advisor consults the student for possibilities of continuation.

(c)     If a student decides to withdraw even after consultation, the Team accepts the request, prints the credentials, and signs over it witnessing for attending some courses in the program (if any).

(d)    All students withdrawing from programs are required to finalize the formal clearance.

10.2 Graduation

(a)     Program leader (individual student in case of dropouts) writes letter of application for graduation stating that s/he has completed the minimum program requirement.

(b)    The Student Service Team with the help of automation verifies the case for completion of the minimum requirement, prints the credentials, and signs over it witnessing for completion.

(c)     All students graduating from programs are required to finalize the formal clearance.

10.3Clearance procedure

(a)    Student returns University material/financial resources to the unit s/he borrowed from.

(b)    An employee in the lending unit must update the student’s record stating that student has returned the resource s/he has borrowed or settled any other obligations. This record must be visible to the employee in the SSC online.

10.4Academic credentials issuance

(a)    Student requests for academic credentials.

(b)   The SSC Team verifies student’s record completeness, clearance and other requirements.

(c)    The SSC Team prints, signs and stamps as required and handovers the credentials to the student.

(d)   Student signs for confirmation of taking his/her academic credentials.


11.0           Career development

11.1Career guidance and Job Marketing Team is responsible for the career guidance, job marketing, alumni administration, and graduation ceremony.

11.2The Career guidance, Job marketing and Alumni administration Team is responsible for this category of jobs.  

11.3 The career guidance team prepares career related information for all academic programs, distributes the information, and provide periodic orientation to students.

11.4Students must get assistance to acquire competencies in career planning, career exploration, knowledge, educational excellence and vocational development. The following are among other jobs that need to be accomplished in relation to career development.

(a)    Support all programs to ensure that career development related courses are incorporated into the curricula.

(b)   Facilitate experience sharing visits, practical attachment and community engagement.

(c)    Organize different career development related discussion forums among students, instructors, professionals, etc.

11.5Graduates must be assisted to link their competencies into the job market. The following are among other jobs that need to be accomplished in relation to graduate support.

(a)    Promote the competencies of MU graduates at different occasions including graduation.

(b)   Create links between graduates and potential employers (other concerned bodies).

(c)    Devise and implement different mechanisms to assist the graduate to create his/her own job.


12.0           Alumni administration

12.1 An Alumni Association shall be established so that the Alumni can remain active member of the University and contribute to the successful accomplishment of its mission and vision.

12.2 The following shall be among other jobs that need to be accomplished in relation to Alumni administration.

(a)    Establish an Alumni Association by developing/updating a charter

(b)   Designate Alumni Administration Team responsible for the secretarial and management activities of the association and liaises to the University.

(c)    Conduct Alumni membership promotion and registration.

(d)   Manage the collaborations between MU and the Alumni members themselves. This includes information exchange, feedback on the content of specific curriculum, the University work processes, etc.

(e)    Regularly publish Alumni newsletter and Alumni Magazine.


13.0           Costs and Funding Management

13.1The following fee elements apply to students as appropriate.

(a)          Application fee

(b)         Registration (late registration) fee

(c)          Remedial program fee

(d)         Tuition fee

(e)          Examination fee

(f)           Living expenses

(g)          Rental and deposit fees for student accommodation

(h)          Services, facilities, equipment and materials fee

(i)            Late fees

(j)           Special examination arrangement fee

(k)         Enrolment reinstatement fee

(l)            Academic transcript fee

(m)        University handbook fee

(n)          Postage fee (for academic communications)

(o)         Library fines

(p)         Identity card replacement fee

(q)         Miscellaneous expenses

13.2All academic fees shall be determined by the academic programs and the remaining fees by relevant offices in consultation with SSC inline with the university’s fee regulation.

13.3All fee elements shall be revised at a regular interval by the SSC in consultation with academic programs and based on market assessment.

13.4An applicant can be granted for admission into MU if and only if s/he has sufficient funding for the expenses on Article 7.1 at least for one semester.

13.5The sources of funding for the student’s fees shall be the student unless and otherwise granted a scholarship by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, MU, or other organizations.

13.6The SSC may mediate communications, administer scholarships and report to the scholarship granting organizations, as appropriate (when delegated).

13.7The Promotion and Admission Team shall create financial account for each student and transfer the respective fund into the account. The student shall be issued a card with personal identification and account details.

13.8The Promotion and Admission Team shall sign an agreement together with the student on the standard of services to be provided and the rights and obligations of the student. This defines the legal context of the transactions between the student and the University entities.

13.9The Promotion and Admission Team shall assist the student to settle his/her financial matters for the services subscribed in the service agreement.

13.10 A student should fulfil his/her financial obligations to get the services as per the agreement.

13.11 A student who did not fulfil his/her financial obligations at a due date shall not be entitled to re-enrol in the university, receive any result of assessment or certificate of academic record or to receive a qualification of the university unless arrangements for later payment have been approved in accordance with procedures specified in the fee rules. Any such action shall remain enforce until all outstanding fees have been paid in full.

13.12 MU scholarship is granted based on fair and transparent competition administered by relevant academic programs.


14.0           Community welfare

14.1 Community welfare Team, hereafter referred to as CWT for short, is responsible for the welfare of students, instructors, researchers and the support staff.

14.2 MU provides community welfare services with the principle of maximizing the contributions of the community to the attainment of its mission and vision by enhancing its wellbeing.

14.3 CWT shall be assigned at each campus with the responsibility of keeping the wellbeing of the community by outsourcing and auditing the standards of community services.  

14.4 Each community service shall be provided by an established service Unit that may be owned either by an association, the University or outsourced to private company. It must be administered by an independent manager accountable operationally to the owner, quality and cost controlled by the CWT.

14.5 Every community service provider must sign an agreement stating that the Unit will provide the required service according to the standard and at an affordable cost to all members of the University community.

14.6 Standard cafeteria services must be provided at an affordable cost to all members of the University community.

(a)    Cafeteria services and Kiosks may be provided by Student Association or by private companies.

(b)   The capacity of cafeteria service halls shall not exceed two hundred users at a time.

(c)    Residence/office buildings may host cafeteria, kiosk or both service units.

(d)   The range of cafeteria service costs shall take into account the financial status of the different category of users.

(e)    Cafeteria service units must be open (opening hours) as appropriate and according to the agreement.

(f)     Kiosks shall be open 24/7.

14.7 Standard housing services shall be provided at an affordable cost to members of the University community.

(a)    There shall be clearly designated residence block for staff and students.

(b)   Housing services shall be provided by Student Association, Staff Association, Private Company, etc.

(c)    Every housing service must be provided at reasonable rent on a live-and-pay basis and or according to the agreement.

(d)   MU must strive to satisfy the housing demand of members of the community on a first-come-first-served basis.

(e)    In case of simultaneous excess demand by students, priority shall be given to women, disabilities, students coming from far places, and other cases as determined by the union respectively.

(f)     In case of simultaneous excess demand by staff, priority shall be given to guests, managers at different levels, academic and research staff, and support staff respectively.

14.8 Standard health services must be provided at an affordable cost to all members of the University community.

(a)    Health service Team is responsible for the provision of sanitary, hygienic, protective and treatment health services to students and other members of the university community.

(b)   Health services shall be owned by the University.

(c)    One clinic shall serve for maximum of four thousand University community members.

(d)   Residence/office building may have one first aid personnel; and be equipped with first aid kits and fire extinguishers.

(e)    The hospital and clinics must be open 24/7 and the service is based on a treatment and pay system.

(f)     Patients with weak financial status or insurance may be considered for hospital and clinic services fee of charge.

14.9 The University must provide sufficient and standard sport fields, swimming pools, stages and recreational halls to the community. The following among other sports, recreational and cultural services must be organized at an affordable cost.

(a)    Music, films, theatre, cultural dances and beauty shows.

(b)   Outdoor games such as football, volleyball, basketball, and swimming.

(c)    Indoor games such as table tennis, billiard ball, pool game, and chase.

14.10 No religious services shall be provided within campuses.

14.11 Detailed service agreement shall be made between the CWT (on behalf of MU) and the service provider stating the standards of services, and corresponding costs.


15.0           Provisions of Remedial Program

15.1        Remedial Program Team is responsible for the provision of pre-admission and post-admission remedial programs. The duties are facilitating and coordinating the tasks of identifying knowledge gap, designing the remedial program, implementing the program and recommending for entrance examination or study course.

15.2        Work Procedures

(a)    analysis of performance gap

(b)   preparing remedial program package

(c)    scheduling remedial program classes

(d)   conducting remedial classes

(e)    conducting continuous assessment

(f)     making decision on students progress

(g)    publishing remedial program result

(h)    submitting result

(i)      through out the semester based on results from formative assessment

(j)     100% aligned with feedback from formative assessment; at least 90% students attending remedial program will succeed.

(k)   Program, course, module team at lecture hall, labs, fields, etc.


16.0           Working with Preparatory Schools

16.1The promotion and admission Team …. There shall be a school-university liaison team at the SSC.

16.2Sufficient copies of the handbooks and brochures of MU shall be distributed to at least ¾ of the preparatory schools in Ethiopia.

16.3 Every academic program must organize at least one open-day per year and invite students (possibly with financial support) from different schools to attend in the event.

16.4 Every academic and technical staff of MU shall contribute to the development of Ethiopian preparatory schools through participation in:

(a)    Curriculum design and review

(b)   Block lectures

(c)    School textbook preparation

(d)   Technical assistance on the installation and maintenance Computer networks, electronic labs, mechanical labs, etc.

(e)    Annual visits to different schools with primary objective understanding their current status and strategic initiatives.

(f)     Cost implications of such collaboration shall be covered according to the agreements of specific projects.


Annex 1: Flowchart


Annex 2: Organizational chart of SSC







Frontline Officers

Back Officers

Program Leader

·    Promotion & Admission Team

·    Career guidance & Job Marketing Team

·    Remedial Program Team

·    Health Service Team

·    Counselling & Guidance Team

·    Dot lines are virtual relationships

·    Solid lines are direct relationships


·   Scheduling Team

·   Publication Team

·   Record Team

·   Planning Team

·   Community welfare Team

Campus Team Leader









Annex 2: Workspace Organization



Annex 4: Latest Costs


(a)    Application fees



Applied to



Date of revision


Undergraduate Program


June 18, 2008


Masters Program


June 18, 2008


PhD Program


June 18, 2008




June 18, 2008


(b)   Tuition fees



Name of the Program

Rate per credit hour (ETB)

Date of revision


BSc in Civil Engineering


June 18, 2008


MSc in GIS


June 18, 2008





(c)    Summative examination fee



Repetition per course

Rate per course (ETB)

Date of revision


1st time


June 18, 2008


2nd time


June 18


3rd time


June 18


4th time


June 18


5th time


June 18


(d)   Student housing fees



Location (campus/place, building, room)



Rate per student (ETB)


Main campus, Block 15, 20

Student Asso.

Single bed



Kebele 17, Hagos Bldg, 101


4 bed



Ayder campus, Block 1, 23

Student Asso.

4 bed








(e)    Meal costs






Rate per meal (ETB)


Main campus, Café 1

Student Asso.

Normal lunch



Adihaki campus, Almaz Kiosk











(1)   Mekelle University, Academic Process Reengineering Report

(2)   University of Griffith, Academic Rules and Regulations

(3)   University of Murdoch, Academic Rules and Regulations

(4)   Mekelle University Legislation, 2004




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