Ayder Referral Hospital - Human Resource Managment


 Woldegebrial kahsay

Mekelle University

Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Human Resource Management Support Process
Business Case
Human Resource Management Process Reengineering Team (HRMPRT)
Team Members:
Dereje Teklemariam
Ftwi Yohaness
Gebremichael Mebrahtu
Bereket Hailesilasie
August, 2008


With out active participation and involvement of stakeholders and the University community, the team’s effort could have been fruitless. The business process redesign of the human resource management support process has been done with a close contact and continues feedback of concerned bodies. This is therefore to forward our great appreciations to all staff of human resource department, for their input in the understanding of AS-IS processes, our process owner, Dr. Abdulkadir Kedir for his close follow up, Ato Abebe Ejigu for his constructive comments and his valuable efforts of providing us with required resources, and all university community of their feedback and valuable information.
Further more the team also would like to extend our great appreciation to companies and state organizations who have contributed their part in the realization of this research work in providing their resource material related to this research topic and sharing their experience in the process of redesign. To mention: Civil Service College, Dashen Bank main office, Ethiopian Management Institute, Ministry of Capacity Building, Ministry of Transport and Communication and Ethiopian Roads Authority.
Finally, we would also like to thank the university management for providing us unlimited support through out the research work.
The team

The human resource management support process reengineering team since its establishment has gone long process to develop the TO-BE. The team has first drafted its own terms of reference (TOR) which was helpful in determining its mandates, scope and its schedule.
Based on the terms of reference the team has started its understanding the current process stage with the methodologies of the four steps for redesigning a process stated in Russel M. Linden. i.e. Map the current process, establishing the desired outcomes, setting a stretched objectives and design from a clean sheet. Therefore the team has first understood the existing process with the help of the people involved in the process, faculties and other stakeholders and/or customers of the process. Basing on this we have developed the needs and expectations which are further resulted to stretched objectives. Here it is worth to mention that the team has not got the chance to benchmark best practicing institutions. Rather the supposed local benchmarking has been shifted to an experience sharing.
Designing from a clean sheet does require isolation and erasing the old thinking. As an instrument for this, the team has shifted its position from Mekelle to Adigrat so that to generate new ideas and to be free from other official duties and assignments. As a result the team has come up with lots of interesting WACKO ideas and with new redesigned processes. Based on this the team has invited the steering team to further screen the new redesign process and we have got enormous input from our process owner and the Czar.
Based on the refined and commented process redesign, the team finally has organized the process around outcome and has designed jobs.
This business case is a report of the above mentioned/summarized outcome. We therefore would like to request concerned body to forward your constructive feedback which will help the team to come up with a better work.

Table of Content
Executive Summery
Part I: Understanding the Current Human Resources Management System of Mekelle University (The As-Is Document)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Mekelle University’s Human Resources Management System (A Quick Look At)    
Chapter 3: The Current Human Resources Management Process and Sub-Processes at Mekelle University
Chapter 4: Behind The MU’s Current HRM Process and Sub-Processes
Part II: HR and HRM Philosophies, Rules and Assumptions Challenged and Ready to Be Broken
Philosophies, Rules and Assumptions Challenged and To Be Broken From Federal Civil Servants Proclamation (Proclamation No. 515/2006)
Rules related to HRM from Mekelle University Legislation
Rules Related to HRM from Higher Institution Proclamation and Mekelle University establishment Regulation
Part III: Customers’ and Stakeholders’ Needs and Expectations, Emanated Desired Outcomes and Stretched Objectives
Chapter 1: Needs and Expectations and Emanated Desired Outcomes
Chapter 2: Stretched Objectives
Part IV: Wacko Ideas and the New Redesigned HRM Support Process To-Be
Chapter 1: Wacko Ideas
Chapter 2: The New Redesigned HRM Support Process
Part V: Organizing around Outcomes
Chapter 1: Organizing around Outcomes
Chapter 2: Togetherness
Chapter 3: Implementation
Executive Summery
1.      Reasons for the Project
As many of the other Ethiopian higher institutions, Mekelle University has a golden mission and objective towards the attainment of the long run socio-economic development goals of our country in general and satisfying the specific societal and community level capacity building needs in particular. For this, the university has a very clear vision, strategic goals and institutional guidelines that foster the core Processes of the university’s mission which are academic, research and community engagement. The university is diving towards center of excellence in academic, research and community service areas. However, the old Human Resources Management (HRM) system by which all relevant inputs for the core Processes of the university are converted in to outputs and delivered as services is traditional, sluggish and full of arresting intricacies, rules and non-value adding procedures.
Considering all these, Mekelle University’s top management decided to radically improve the Human Resources Management System/ Processes of the university with an envisioned Human Resources Management system that really play its natural role of supporting the core business Processes of the university. The top management together with the University’s community reached at consensus that there is a vital need of redesigning the As-Is Human Resources Management System/ Processes of the university through Business Processes Reengineering (BPR).
2.      People Involved in the Project
Name of redesign team members
1.      Ato Dereje Teklemariam
2.      Ato Ftwi Yohaness
3.      Ato Gebremichael Mebrahtu
4.      Ato Bereket Hailesilasie
Name of the Steering Team Members
1.      Prof. Mitiku Haile
2.      Dr. Mulu Bayray
3.      Ato Teklay Tesfay
4.      Dr. Kindeya Gebrehiwot
5.      Dr. Abdulkadir Kedir
6.      Ato Kinfe Abrha
7.      Ato Abebe Ejigu
Name of the Sponsor
1.      Prof. Mitiku Haile
Name of Human Resource Management support process owner
1.      Dr. Abdulkadir Kedir
3.      Key Problems Found With the Current Process
Interms of human resources development/ management, Mekelle University is facing many problems which can simply be summarized as attitudinal or behavioral governance/ management related, institutional and functional
Attitudinal related problems 
¨      Unable to internalize the special importance and lion’s share of HR towards institutional goal achievement
¨      Wrong attitude towards stiff control of HR and empowering HR in HRM means opening a room of mismanagement. Therefore, passing many steps and many approvals in a process means effective work
¨      Managing HR through many functional departments, is considered as a better way of HRM
Governance / management related problems
¨      Many rules and consecutive HR recruitment and related guidelines;
¨      Poverty and lack of budget especially for training and development programs
¨      Lengthy HR civil service / civil servant’s national budgeting and related working traditions
¨      Highly centralized system of running HRM functions and decisions
¨      Strict civil service rules that do not have a room towards flexibility and hence never go with the special needs and organizational nature of higher institutions
¨      Many of the HRM related tasks and decisions are strictly provisioned to be done by committees where by disadvantages emanating from the very nature of committee work are highly impairing the HR needs of government institutions in general and Mekelle University in particular
¨      Non-attractive positions in HRM and related tasks
Institutional related problems
¨      Traditional and personal related problems that were seen in the administrative culture of MU in general and MU’s human resources management culture in general
¨      Consecutive reforms, HR resistance to the reforms and accompanying HR activities
¨      Lack of budget and absence of standardized HRM system
¨      The “Administrative” Vs “Academic” staffs attitudinal clans and their repercussion
¨      Absence of process based HRM system and predominated by functionally disintegrated HRM system
Behaviorally related problems
¨      A number of “Human-related” national and international issues, conventions, and proclamations that originate from the very nature of being person or being human
¨      Unable to consider HR as any other convertible inputs because of unable to define attitudinal challenges related to HR
4.      Key Changes recommended for the TO-BE process and the policy and organizational implications of implementing the project
Fundamental Changes in the Redesigned Human Resource Management support Process
In the AS-IS system of Human Resource Management, the process was fragmented in to a number of activities accomplished by many functional positions and hierarchical flow of non-value adding tiresome tasks in greatest repetitiveness in a disintegrated working places. Now the new process is redesigned to provide effective and efficient strategic HR support service to achieve the two core process objectives in a continuous and sustainable capacity building programs in the implementation period, strategically supported by research based HR planning. This process creates seamless service to stakeholders and customers in acquiring, developing and retaining by investing in people in return MU to be a centre of excellent in human capital
MU’s human capital is aligned with its mission, vision, goals and core values in MBV performance appraisal, evaluation and review system with sated measurable standards through team and individual performance to achieve the common goals.
The support process service delivery is integrated and fully empowered at grass-root starting from HR Planning to Separation.
Therefore the new redesigned support process changed from the institution Human Resource control to HR Research and consultancy service and development emphasis in a flexible pay and remuneration system with the introduction and usage of data driven latest management information system enables MU to ensure good governance, stakeholders and customers satisfaction maximized.
Organizational Implications
The MU organizational structure, rules and regulations, legislations job satisfaction, job descriptions of the public employees are subject to radical changes to meet the knowledge, skill and ability requirements of the new system. The governance system of the University is fully flat structure which avoids hierarchy and repetitive tasks to provide service in one window by giving authority and responsibility to the public employees who are in the front operation.
The new system sprit is to be performed by teams and individual members having minimum qualification and empowerment to perform the sub-process end to end
The new system needs government and managers commitment to breakout and challenge the HRM old structural approval, philosophies, rules, regulations, decrees and proclamations that hinder to implement the new system.
Finally, the new human resource management support process enables the organization to have an agreed and shared values and beliefs among the employee and the pay system is fully integrated with the equal pay to the value of people created.
5.      Overall TO-BE Philosophy or vision for the new process
The human resource process of Mekelle University strives to ensure that a diverse, innovative and exceptionally competent human capital/work force is recruited, optimally developed, supported and trained in the core processes i.e. academic, research and community services to strengthen the institute’s commitment to ensure quality and excellence in its core functions.
The Philosophy of the new Human Resource Management support process
§               Providing seamless service to stakeholders and customers
§               Acquiring, developing & retaining talent is targeted towards investment in people
§               Providing effective and efficient Strategic HR support service to achieve the core process objective needs in a continuous and sustainable capacity building program in the implementation period: Strategically supported and research based human resource planning which can support the core processes
§               Full empowerment to front line operators:
§               Institutional Human Resource changed from control to Human Resource research and consultancy services: Central administration will be focused on more strategic, customer focused role, monitoring trends and benchmarking administrative services against competitors
§               Developing an attractive working environment to retain knowledgeable, skillful and talented Human Capital: Shifting from training and development to attracting talented human capital
§               MU’s Human Capital strategy is aligned with its mission, vision, goals, core values and organizational objectives in targeted in to its;
o       Strategic plan and performance plans
o       Leadership role and commitment to change and Human Capital / Talent management
o       Strategic Human Capital Planning and data driven Human Capital decisions
o       Government, senior leaders, managers, HR professional, experts and key stakeholders collaboration and contribution to Human Capital vision and broader strategic planning development
§               Process and team based organizational structure and job structure
§               Automated system of human resource management information system which can support MU’s data-driven HR decisions.
§               People are an organization’s main asset and a source of advantage
§               More freedom from state control: an autonomous organization
§               MU being a learning organization
Generally the support process provide customer oriented, seamless, quality and efficient service to society with communicated and shared MU’s vision, and objective among the employees to achieve strategic objectives and satisfy the end-users of this support process.
6.      Anticipated Benefits and Costs
Anticipated Benefits:
The new support process anticipated benefits outlined with the following;
The new Human Resource Management support will benefit the Students through:
§         Talented human capital will be their instrument in the teaching learning and research core process.
§         Motivated and instigated staff will provide a customer oriented and seamless service to students
§         The core processes will be supported with an enterprise level information system management that can help students to minimize their non-value adding steps
§         Students will be benefited with the talent search component of the HRM process that can help them in securing job either with in the University or outside.
The new Human Resource Management support will benefit the staff through:
§         Seamless support (one window service or no stop) service
§         Recruitment of high competent employees’ with required qualification, knowledge, skill and ability
§         Access to enough resource for efficient support service
§         Sufficient, latest usage of management information system in a centralized data management system and decentralized usage for decision making
§         Transparent staff recruitment, development, performance appraisal and review system aligned with core process objectives
§         Transparent, flexible, market oriented base pay, remuneration and compensation system other than the national standards. 
The new Human Resource Management support will benefit the End-users through:
§         Attaining the required human capital that can actively involve in the core processes
§         Motivating and instigating the human capital
§         Developing reference criteria for the measurement and management of own human capital
§         Supporting with human resource research to help in pre-determining the trend of future Human resource management
§         Transparent staff recruitment, development, performance appraisal and review system aligned with core process objectives
§         Introducing a familiarized human capital through the induction training sub-process
§         Supporting the end-user in the training and development of human capital based on the needs and requirements of the core process objectives
The new Human Resource Management support will benefit external stakeholders’ through:
§         Transparent staff recruitment, development, performance appraisal and review system aligned with core process objectives
§         Equal employment opportunity to all community members
§         Seamless HRM process that can satisfy all customers and stakeholders
§         Providing effective and efficient Strategic HR support service to achieve the core process objective needs in a continuous and sustainable capacity building program
Anticipated Costs
The anticipated costs of the new support process are expressed in terms of technology, training and development, infrastructure and on-going management implications.
Technological setup:
With regard to the technology setup, technology in a reengineering, unlike to automation, is about innovation. It is about exploiting the latest capabilities of technology to achieve entirely new goals. According to Hammer and Champy, in their “Reengineering the corporation” We should have to question our selves “How can we use technologies to allow us to do things that we are not already doing?” Further, again referring the above reference, “One of the hardest parts of reengineering lies in recognizing the new, unfamiliar capabilities of technology instead of its familiar ones”
Here is some of the technology setup required in the new redesign of HRM process reengineering.
§         Shared database that can facilitate information to appear simultaneously in as many places as it is needed and that can enable decision-making is part of everyone’s job.
§         Two way communications systems: Corporate level information management system
§         Information technology that increasingly enable the University to operate its individual units fully autonomous, while still there is economies of scale that centralization creates
§         Wireless data communication and portable computers that can enable University community can send and receive information where ever they are as part of the comfortable environment that will be created.
§         Teleconferencing tools and telecommunications network that can facilitate the human resource fulfillment sub-process and training and development sub-process.
§         Interactive videodisk that can enable a best/ effective contact with potential employee
§         Automatic identification technology that can help identify people
§         High performance computing that can enable plans get revised instantaneously
§         State-of-the-art data analysis and modeling software which can support the HR research sub-process
Training and Development:
According to Hammer and Champy, in a reengineered company people need sufficient education that they can discern for themselves what the right thing is as jobs require that people not follow rules, but rather that they exercise judgment in order to do the right thing. The emphasis shifts from training to education-or to hiring educated. Training increases skills and competence and teaches employees the “how” of a job. Education increases their insight and understanding and teaches the “why”.
It is clearly impossible to hire people who already know everything they’re ever going to need to know, so continuing education over the lifetime of a job becomes the norm in a reengineered company.
§         ICT training and education for all member of the human resource management process team
§         Training and education on high performance computing
§         Training and education on data analysis and modeling software
§         Training and education on data base management
§         Training and education on customer handling and seamless service
§         Training and education on the performance appraisal
§         Training and education on management and measurement systems
§         Training and education on research methodology, data collection and data interpretation
§         On job intensive training to all team members on integrated support services
§         Training and regular awareness creation on University values and beliefs
§         Buildings and new offices designed to provide integrated services
§         Buildings and work environment that can satisfy the comfort of our human resource and keep employee safety and health to the level of satisfaction.
§         Proper, well designed and fluctuation free electrical system that can minimize interruptions
§         Proper telecommunication systems that can facilitate the communication system of people
§         Training and education halls with appropriate teaching and learning technology like: classroom facilities (fixed desktops, beamers, whiteboards, blackboards, overhead projectors, lighting system, work tables, ventilation system, etc), office facilities (tables and chairs, internet, fax, printers, photocopies, duplication, etc), Library materials (books and reference materials in electronic and hardcopy, online resource like catalog, e-journals, physical resources like general reference collection, photocopy, printing, cyberspaces, sufficient study and learning space), teaching-learning resources (interactive technologies such as simulators, models, audiovisuals), etc.
§         Teleconferencing halls
§         High performance server rooms with fully ventilated and air conditioned
On-going Management Implications:
§         Work units change from functional to process teams
§         Jobs change from simple tasks to multi-dimensional work
§         People’s role change from controlled to empowered
§         Focus of performance measures and compensation shifts from activity to result
§         Organizational structure change from hierarchical to flat
§         Executive change from scorekeepers to leaders
§         Supervisors change from managing to coach
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