Ayder Referral Hospital - College of Health Science


Mekelle University College of Health Five year strategic plan (2007-2011)

The college of health sciences (CHS) was inaugurated in December 2002 when accepted its first batch of 80 medical students in September 2003. It is currently located in Mekelle in the premises of Ayder specialized Hospital after a 3 year stay in the main campus of the university has enrolled a total of 720 students: ? 210 medical students ? 189 Pharmacy students ? 239 Health officer students The 20-year strategic plan of Mekelle university (developed in 2003) has put (grossly) the SWOT analysis and strategies in four phases with projection, which also applies, for the college of health sciences. By adequate staffs to scrutinize the and develop the strategic plan for the college and follow its implementation. Hence it is crucial to have SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities Threat and challenges) analysis and develop a strategy, in such away that it: ? Is doable ? Is action fiented ? Creates accountability ? a short and specialized (05year) period of time (instead of the gross 20 years strategy) Vision: Bringing good health, comfort and happiness to people o Involves the promotion of healthy society that meaningfully. Contributes to the overall socioeconomic development by establishing excellence in academics, health services and research. o To be a center for advancement of medical science and hence excellence in: ? Medical and health science education ? Delivery and improvement of health care Mission Transmit, develop, disseminate and preserve knowledge relevant to the solution of the basic problems of development of Ethiopia through student centered quality teaching, research, scholarship, creative application of existing knowledge and provision of quality service to the community. o Produce highly competent and qualified health professionals to provide promotive, preventive and curative services to the community. o We will develop on our diverse but complementary competencies in Medicine, pharmacy, public health, Nursing, allied health sciences, biomedical research and constancy services to address existing and emerging health challenges of the country. o We will strive to create a working environment that fosters dedication; cooperation and rewards head work, initiative and creativity. o We will position ourselves to promote and utilize emerging technologies to provide quality services. o In all our activities, we shall uphold the highest level of professional ethics, openness, fairness and honesty. Stakeholders: The existing and desired relationships with stakeholders: 1. Tigray regional health beauro (TRHB) and o Zonal hospitals (Axum, Adigrat, Maichew health centers) o The college of health sciences and TRHB in collaboration with EPHTI and MOH are running the accelerated health officers training program (AHOTP), a program which was initially started (as a pilot project) in collaboration between Mekelle Hospital and Mekelle University and currently has become a national program /run by 5 universities of the country). o The order for this program to be successful (hit its target aim), there needs to be a well developed TOR/ Mechanism/ as to and the relationship between the college/university and zonal hospitals, a well dedicated staffs to utilize and work with the available resources. ? All stakeholders of the program should be well informed so that they can have their contributions of needs be. To alleviate the shortage of consultant physicians to run the clinical departments, the college is using a jointly appointed staffs from the TRHB (Mekelle Hospitals). We are utilizing and will continue to utilize the nearly hospitals in Mekelle and health centers in and around Mekelle for CBTP and TTP for our students. Physicians from our college are also delivering health services besides teaching in Mekelle Hospital and NCRH. 2. MOH/MOE/DACA: There is limited interaction with the above government bodies Low funding and hence there needs to be more interaction with MOH/MOE The college needs to deal directly with the above institutions and international organization 3. Students: For reason (personal, office limitations, distance, ...) there is poor relationship between students and instructors This should e minimized and advisors should be able to meet students. Do not have areas for recreation (No foot bal field) 4. Community ? Majority of the popa around Mekelle are not aware that there is a health sciences college Mekelle University. ? More advocacies should be done to strengthen the relationship between the two for bilateral benefits. 5. NGO's/Other GO's/Insursty ? There is poor network between college of health science and national and international NGO's, funding agents, ... and hence needs to be strengthen. Poor collaboration in research. ASSESSMENT OF THE COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES: A. Strengths: * Staffs ? Young, energetic and dedicated staffs ? Cordial relation ship exists between all the staff members * Students: ? Student representatives are included in the college's academic commission. * Curriculum and programme ? Comprehensive ? New programs being opened ? College level academic standards and curriculum revise established. * Facilities/Infrastructure ? Willingness of all the stakeholders to use the available facilities/materials no matter what the shortages are: * The big and sophisticated hospital building B. Weaknesses * Staffs ? No well-designed staff development plan ? Few and less experienced staffs with very high turnover ? Poor incentive provision to retain /attract staffs: (Example salary) * Students: Students are reluctant to meet their advisors Curriculum and program - Even though there are and there were movements to review all the curricula of the college it is not yet complete for various reasons. MD Program The curriculum for MD program was developed/shaped in such a way that the college will deliver courses based on the philosophical commitment of community based education (community based training (CBTP), Team training program (TTP) and community based students research project (SRP). But because of budget constraints and deficiency of many other things this curriculum is not being followed. On top of that students were given courses based on the draft curriculum. The other issue is that there is no civic and ethical education course in the curiculum and medical students are not yet given the course. * BSc. in Public Health The department of public health has health officer students who are regular-in-service students. They are trained in collaboration with the regional/Zonal Hospitals of Tigray Regional Health Beauro (TRHB) and the Ethiopia public Health Training Initiative (EPHTI). This program was initially run in collaboration between Mekelle Hospital (TRHB) and Mekelle University. Now the program, named as Accelerated Health Officers Training Program (AHOTP), is running nationwide to produce 5,000 Health officers over 5year period, (the main stake holders) for this program are universities (MOE) Regional Health beouros/MOH and EPHTI/ the carter center). There is a nationwide curriculum no course codes produced for AHOTP which our college is also using. The problem is not with the curriculum but with the way in which the students are going to be thought in the zonal hospitals after one year stay here in our college, they all will go to zonal hospitals to complete their training (for 02 years) The university (CHS) will have the following concerns. ? Students are going to be given lectures, bedsides, seminars/initials etc by the hospital staffs that are not academic staffs. ? Students evaluation and grading will be done by non-university staffs (non-academic staffs) ? The facilities in the zonal hospitals will be have the minimum revised standard to be training centers for health officers. These among others will take the training substandard As the university registrar the college of health sciences is going to deliver the degrees, it has to make sure that the program is running based on the minimum standards and the college is owning the program. There has to be a well-designed term of reference (TOR) know by the university senate and strictly followed. B. Pharma degree program The school of pharmacy is reviewing the curriculum. * Facilities and Infrastructure Buildings for ? Laboratories ? Libraries ? Student cafeteria ? Student and staff lounge ? Offices A single dormitory (which accommodates max 400 students) and a computer lab were the only buildings built for the college since its establishment. This is far below the minimum requirement by the college. Had it not been for the building of the referral hospital the college would not have an office to utilize. This is needs urgent solution before the hospital becomes fully. Operational because the hospital offices are meant only for the hospital service delivering staffs. - Inadequate space for the current and future expansion of the college - Therefore these need to be an additional space for buildings and undergoing academic, administrative and recreational activities and for accommodation of staff and students. - Introduce and expand strong TCT Capacity - Internet service/accesses Local area networks - Acquire modern, up-to-date and adequate teaching aids. Renovate /Influence development of the training hospitals/health centers - Research and knowledge dissemination: * Establish link with GO's an NGO's for research contacts and research application. * Promote interdisciplinary research * Establish data based on ongoing research - Encourage staff members to participate in researches and improve research facilities Opportunities: * Stability and good governance allows for long-term planning * Goodwill from government to expand and develop higher education in the country * The university's already established national and international networking and collaboration - This will greatly help for the CHS to establish international links Threats/

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